Our commitment to sustainable development is reflected in our business philosophy, which emphasizes the necessity of addressing the needs and expectations of current generations while simultaneously safeguarding the future for upcoming generations through ongoing innovation.
We at Neokraft firmly believe that the significance of individuals cannot be overstated, as they are integral to the success of any community. Our programs are dedicated to uplifting communities and ensuring that smiles are prevalent among their members.
Our health checkup initiative is not only restricted to the periphery of our factory campus but rather we reach out to the community around by organising these camps for the masses around.
Our people are empowered to make a difference either as volunteers for company-led initiatives or as leaders of their own projects supported by company resources. We believe we are “in it together” to support the communities in which we live and work. Most importantly we have heart – sharing knowledge, skills and our resources to have a positive effect on our communities.
In order to maintain a secure working environment within our factory premises, we have implemented contemporary safety protocols. All employees are equipped with essential safety gear to ensure their protection while on the job.
Our efforts in this direction include some of the very basic but extremely impotant steps in conservation of the enviroment. Every year we plant thousands of trees by conducting sustainability exercises and activities for our employess and communities around.